13 March, 2015

INFOSYS CAMPUS CONNECT -Python webinar series - Postwork2

Dear students,

Submit the postwork-2 to T&P  cell on or before 15th March 2015.    We will not consider any submission after this date.  Please submit your own work. Avoid copying from other groups, may lead to cancellation of both the teams’ from participation in this webinar series.

Post Work 2 – Questions:

  1.     Usually programs loop until the user indicates they want to stop. Write a function named “stay()” that takes no arguments. The function should print the message “continue (yes/no)?” and wait for the user to respond. If the user types “Yes”, “y” or “Y”, then return true, otherwise return false.

  2.     Write a python program to print Pascal’s triangle.

  3.     Write a python program to generate following outputs.
(a)       1                      (b)       1
2 2                              1 2
3 3 3                           1 2 3
4 4 4 4                       1 2 3 4
5 5 5 5 5                    1 2 3 4 5

  4.     What does a function return if it has no return statement in it?

  5.     What is the output? And why?
a.     s = “India”
def display():
display()        # function call

b.     s = “India”
def display():
display()        # function call

c.      s = “India”
def display():
display()        # function call

d.     s = “India”
def display():
            global s
display()        # function call

e.     s = “India”
def display():
            def inside():
            inside()          #inner function call

display()        # function call

  6.     Write a python program to convert a decimal number into hexadecimal number.

  7.     If a is a number and n is a positive integer, the quantity an can obviously be computed by multiplying n times. A much faster algorithm uses the following observations. If n is zero, an is 1. If n is even, an is the same as (a * a)n/2. If n is odd, an is the same as a * an-1. Using these observations, write a recursive function for computing an.

  8.     Try executing the following program. Can you explain what is going on?
def outer(x):
def inner(y):
return x + y
return inner

x = outer(3)
print x(4)

  9.     Find the output and give reasons
a.     def display(a, b=4, c=5):
                        display(1,2) #function call

b.     def display(a,b,c=5):

display(1, c=3, b=2)          #function call

c.      def display(a, *args)
print(a, args)

display(4, 5, 7)        #function call

d.     def display(a,b,c=3,d=4) : print(a,b,c,d)

display(1, *(5,6))

e.     Display odd numbers between 0 to 100 using for and range

  10.   A palindrome is a string that reads the same both forwards and backwards, for example the word “rotor” or the sentence “rats live on no evil star”. Testing for the palindrome property is easy if you think recursively. If a string has zero or one character, it is a palindrome. If it has more than two characters, test to see if the first character matches the final character. If not, then the word is not a palindrome. Otherwise, strip off the first and final characters, and recursively perform the palindrome test. Write a recursive function using this approach.

Bonus Problem:
Try to generate a python program to solve the towers of Hanoi problem. In this problem there are three poles labeled A, B and C. Initially a nmber of disks of decreasing size are all on pole A. As you aware, the goal of the puzzle is to move all disks from pole A to pole B without ever moving a disk onto another disk with smaller size. The third pole can be used as a temporary during this process.

If you try to solve this problem in a conventional fashion you will quickly find yourself frustrated trying to determine the first move. Should you move the littlest disk from A to B, or from A to C? But the recursive version is very simple. Rewrite the problem as a call on Hanoi(n, x, y, z) where n is the size of the stack, and x, y and z are strings representing the starting pole (initially ‘A’), the target pole (initially ‘B’) and the temporary pole (initially ‘C’). The task can be thought of recursively as follows. If n is 1, then move one disk from pole x to pole y. Otherwise, recursively call Hanoi to move n-1 disks from x to z, using y as the temporary. Then move one disk from x to y, which leaves pole x empty. Finally move n-1 disks from pole z to pole y, using x as the temporary. Write the towers of Hanoi as a recursive function, printing out a message each time a disk is moved from one pole to another.

Infosys Campus Connect Daily : Tech Kaleidoscope : 2020/028

Dear All Dear Professor, Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!! Please find below some informat...